Monday, April 27, 2009

Two Nights in a Row !?!?!

Today I did get a little progress done on the bookcase, nothing really noticeable but progress was made. I also got another cutting board in the clamps today too.

Here are the two sides of the bookcase. It does not look like much, but setting up all of the holes, and the dado's take some time.

Cutting board in the clamps.

Here is a simple lumber rack I put up a few days ago. This is not for bulk storage, but to let the lumber for the current project "acclimate" to the shop. This way the lumber can sit a few days in the shop climate and do all of its "moving" before I mill it square. Has been nice clearing up some shop space.

Hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow the bookcase will start to resemble a bookcase, and the cutting board will be almost done as well.

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