Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back to the shop

I had the day off of work today, so I made some headway in the shop. The table top is all glued up, and I have another cutting board in the clamps as well.

Here is one of the leaves for the tabletop in the clamps.

Here is one half of the table top. The glue will be scraped off by Ruth tomorrow. When I get home from work we will head to Hartford to my hardwood dealer for some mill work. These panels are 26 inches wide, and luckily they have a planer and a sander that will accommodate these panels. While I am there I will be picking up some oak for a the doors that go on the wardrobe. It is a long drive for mill work, but I can make allot of trips with the 5 grand it would cost for the planer I want.

Yet another cutting board before the first glue up.

Hopefully I will have pictures of some nice pretty tabletop pieces.

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