Sunday, May 3, 2009

Deer, Cleaning, Cutting Board, and Bookcase

Well, some major progress has been made in the shop as two projects have been completed. The bookcase and the cutting board have been finished. Check out some of the pictures.

The deer were out on Saturday at high noon...this picture was taken right out of the shop window, and no zoom was used. They get more and more courageous.

Back to business...Here is Ruth cleaning out the canister filter for the dust collector...dirty job, but it keeps the shop super clean, and makes much less work in the long run.

Here is the completed cutting board. Instead of wiping on the mineral oil countless times we decided to invest in a container and a few bottles of mineral oil. We just let this one soak over night, then I just put the board on Ruth's nice pampered chef cooling rack while still in the container to let the oil drain off. Wipe it clean a few times and it turns out perfect.

This was donated to be auctioned off at a benefit held this weekend for a local family friend who has cancer. The board did sell, but I am not sure for how much. The event was a great time, and was a huge success, many people attended.

Here is a picture of the bookcase coming Ruth is clamping on one of the side rails. Anyone who does woodworking knows that no matter how many clamps you never have enough...I could use a few dozen more!

Here is the top and bottom for the case clamped up and almost ready for final assembly.

Case all put together...just some final sanding, a good wipe down, then time for stain!!

Speaking of it is. Jacobean is the color the customer wanted for this piece...a great dark stain.

Stay tuned as many many more things will be happening in the next couple weeks before we head west. Next on the list is the oak tabletop...then the sure to be challenging gun cabinet.


Zachary and Jennifer said...

There is never enough clamps...

A dust collector is on our shop wish list, we are always wading through sawdust dunes.

That stain color is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev, Sounds like things are going well! This is the first time i've been to the site/blog! Great job!! Miss you! Lindsey